第32讲 GIS空间分析方法
讲师 : 裴韬
专业 : 地理学
所在单位 : 地理科学与资源研究所
教师简介 : 研究方向: 空间数据挖掘 毕业院校: 1989-09-01—1993-07-01 中国地质大学(武汉) 学士 1993-09-01—1998-07-01 中国地质大学(武汉) 博士 2007-02-12—2007-08-12 英国帝国理工学院数学系 访问学者 获奖: 中科院王宽诚“卢嘉锡青年人才奖” 部委 2008 全国青年地理科技奖 其他 2011 论文: A new approach on nearest-neighbour method to discover cluster features in overlaid spatial point processes Delineation of support domain of feature in the presence of noise Detecting feature from spatial point processes using Collective Nearest Neighbor A new method for discovering clusters of different densities in spatial data Windowed nearest neighbour method for mining spatio-temporal clusters in the presence of noise Mapping soil organic matter using the topographic wetness index: A comparative study based on different flow-direction algorithms and kriging methods Detecting arbitrarily shaped clusters using ant colony optimization A non-parameter index for differentiating between heterogeneity and randomness Multi-scale decomposition of point process data Clustering of temporal event processes atterns of multiscale temperature variability over the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2008 Analysis on degree characteristics of mobile call network The role of changing multiscale temperature variability in extreme temperature events on the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1960–2008 专著: 集成地震目录数据库及其应用研究 精细土壤资源普查模型与方法 地理信息系统空间分析原理
